Raise awareness of Qobuz as a leading on-line music service positioned alongside Deezer and Spotify within the media.
Main PR challenges:
Legitimate Qobuz as an online music service.
Differentiate the brand amongst journalists with key USPs.
Position Qobuz alongside Deezer or Spotify in press coverage.
Guerrilla tactics to Identify and collaborate with competitor’s influencers.
Show and explain using testing sessions, the difference between existing services on the market and the one offered by Qobuz to a large portfolio of journalists and influencers.
Increase coverage in consumer and corporate press, as well as specialized press. Regular one to one press briefings: interaction with 30 journalists per quarter, press events and industry thought leadership pieces placement.
Extensive top-tier coverage.
Brand positioned alongside Deezer, Spotify & Apple Music.
ClientQobuzzServicesPR & Media RelationsShare